Intelligent surveillance system for private use

Jun 6, 2013

Laser detectors from SICK already protect many museums, banks, public institutions, penitentiaries, and other important buildings. For these systems trigger alarm signals before break-ins can occur in the first place. Now SICK ensures that this reliable protection can be used in the outdoor areas of private buildings as well.


Villenabsicherung Überwachungssystem von SICK AG


Particularly private persons living in detached houses or in somewhat remote locations and/or known to be affluent live with the risk of becoming victims of break-ins or robberies. This was precisely the reason why sensor solutions from SICK were used to develop by an integrator, specifically for this market segment, the LTS400 system solution consisting of an LMS laser detector, a dome camera, and special software.




What is special about it?

LMS531 laser detector LMS531 laser detector


The LMS actively scans a freely programmable area. As soon as a person enters the detection area, the laser detector sends a signal that can be used to trigger off different actions. They include notification of the center of operations of the surveillance unit or police force, the triggering of a silent alarm, a siren, lighting, or activation of a follow-up system for controlling dome cameras. One of the special features of this new system for private use is the fact that it is always comprised of at least one laser detector and one dome camera that operate together flawlessly. Any private person having it installed will thus be protected by one the most reliable protection systems that takes the sharpest images imaginable under all circumstances - i.e. even at night.  



Better outside than inside

Inside protection systems trigger signals only when the perpetrator has already forced entry. This does not apply to the external protection by SICK described above. When detecting foreign elements, the LMS laser detector can switch on lighting, which deters potential burglars. Furthermore, the dome camera receives local coordinates of the laser detectors. If persons enter the cameras field of vision, it pans to their position, detecting their number as well as their appearance. If the camera detects several persons, the dome camera pans back and forth between them - according to specific and defined variables. Nobody escapes the laser detector.  




Thus, the external protection system for private use made by SICK generates an alarm signal before the burglar intrudes. The LTS400 featuring the laser detectors is a reliable monitoring system for building security, which - once installed - will become active after closing time only in case of a break-in, preventing surprises at the break of dawn. The system should see private persons sleep much more soundly.