World first: Robot Obelix moves through Freiburg autonomously

Aug 22, 2012

On August 21st, the robot named Obelix strolled through the city of Freiburg autonomously, covering a distance of four kilometers. In doing so, laser measurement sensors of the LMS1xx product family made by SICK helped Obelix to detect and avoid obstacles, thus planning independently its way from the starting point to the specified destination.

Roboter Obelix


LMS151 Lasermesssensor LMS151

Three LMS151s are installed in Obelix, says Prof. Dr. Wolfram Burgard, the director of the international research project at the University of Freiburg. One of it is mounted in the front part, tilted downward by approx. 70° to detect the Bächle (the small rivulets flowing along the citys streets) typical of Freiburg or the curbs. Another sensor is also installed horizontally at the front. Using a mirror, it deflects part of the beams to the ground in to recognize obstacles below. Furthermore, the rear features another sensor mounted horizontally whose complete field of view serves to prevent collisions. The sensors from SICK provide reliable measurements and have an extended range. Yet another benefit proved to be the possibility of connecting the sensors via Ethernet.


Video: Robot Obelix navigates through Freiburg

Astonished passers-by as well as numerous journalists and camera teams accompanied Obelix. This is what the media report about the robot: