The columns of safety. The racks of the Czech high-bay shelving system manufacturer Obchodní společnost KREDIT, spol. s r.o. move as if by magic. The technology is familiar from the small, light mobile shelving units for books or magazines with their large flywheels, as used in archives or libraries. In the case of KREDIT, however, these are gigantic high racks that are used to store goods often weighing as much as a ton and which move fully automatically. Rather than risk anyone getting trapped between them, KREDIT has put its trust in the tried-and proven sensor intelligence. The multiple light beam safety devices and additional through-beam photoelectric sensors from SICK guard the aisles and protect persons who might find themselves in hazardous areas.
Safety solutions ensure safe movement of high racks
The Czech partner KREDIT manufactures mobile high-bay shelving systems and sells these all over the world. Its customers store a wide variety of goods in the shelves, from paper rolls to icecream, from automotive spare parts to frozen foods. To provide protection as these racks weighing several tons move about in a warehouse, and also to detect any feet and manned forklift trucks, the company set out to find a competent logistics automation partner. The intralogistics applications from SICK offer a suitable solution for this company’s needs.
Safe passage

Through-beam photoelectric sensor for different heights
Columns protect the technology
The strongest pillar, however, is surely the fruitful and close collaboration that both sides appreciate so much. And finally, the Czech partner regards the high delivery performance, the competent and collegial assistance, and the generally very good relationship with the experts at SICK as the main reasons for the successful cooperation. “Our longstanding collaboration with SICK is more than just a business relationship – it’s a true partnership. In case of need of consultations or other technical support, the employees of SICK always provided KREDIT with maximum help, which was of high quality and fast”, says Jiří Ort, Product Manager at KREDIT and adds: “We are looking forward to our ongoing collaboration and hope that 2020 is at least as successful as the previous years.”
Read more:
Now made possible: More vehicles in narrow aisles
Positioning storage and retrieval devices accurate to a millimeter
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