Co-creation – collaboration leads to innovation

Co-Creation – Innovation entsteht im Miteinander
Co-Creation – Innovation entsteht im Miteinander

Whether in factory, logistics or process automation, digital transformation enables and requires greater security and productivity in order to remain competitive. To this end, there are products for measuring, detecting, monitoring, protecting, identifying. But two considerations often arise: “I know I need to improve something, but not exactly what.” “I know what I can improve, but not exactly how."

For these reasons, SICK offers more than training on sensors, light grids, sensing solutions, and other products. With SICK Co-Creation, we developed a form of training that is much more than instructions. You get hands-on earlier on the one hand, but also go far beyond this on the other hand.

Wissenspakete für die Praxis
Wissenspakete für die Praxis

Knowledge packages for the real world

Co-creation is about your systems, machines or production facilities. Our specially selected SICK experts work with you on your specific requirements to help you activate further innovation potential. Through the collaborative development of solutions based on predefined issues, co-creation with SICK goes beyond previously known training courses, workshops, or consultations. 

Using modern creativity and solution techniques such as “Design Thinking”, SICK has effective methods for addressing your specific requirements. We can, for example, simulate sections of your equipment, or replicate process, factory and logistics automation systems. In this way, existing constellations can be further developed or added value created from the point of view of digitization. 

You have specific needs and knowledge – SICK has the experience and tools.

Ein Prozess nach Ihren Vorstellungen
Ein Prozess nach Ihren Vorstellungen

A process based on your expectations 

The first step after an initial meeting is a requirements workshop, in which the exact technical requirements are defined in broad terms using the canvas method. The result is a training plan that shows which content can be taught in which environment. SICK then determines the experts suitable for your issues. In the training, they work out the appropriate competencies and methods with your experts in one day. Together we will solve a specific application of yours and at the same time provide you with the competence to tackle further challenges in the future with your newly gained knowledge. You can raise your very specific technical requirements as we do this. On site – at your location or at SICK – you develop tailor made solutions together with SICK experts. For more information, please write us a Message.

Do you have any questions?

Contact our experts 

The learning offerings at a glance

To the training portfolio 

Neue Arbeitsweisen erfordern neues Lernen
Neue Arbeitsweisen erfordern neues Lernen

New ways of working require new learning

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