107 young tech talents, 23 teams, 48 hours, and countless cups of coffee: SICK Solution Hackathon 2023 brought together the inventive spirit of students and start-ups from all over the world with leading software and technology. In the process, creative IoT solutions that can make our lives easier, more sustainable, or more mobile were created in a very short time. All was supported by ten established industry partners: ABB, Bosch, Bosch Rexroth, Continum, Ericsson, NTT Data, Robominds, Safelog, Userlike, and Xitaso.
The two winning teams “EOS” and “Mind Hackers” not only worked on solutions for automated parking, charging, and booking of charging stations for AGVs and cars but also addressed the question: "how can Generative AI contribute to making the world a healthier place?"