Apr 7, 2022

 HOUSTON, TEXAS, MARCH 30, 2022 – With a key partnership between SICK and Eagle Research Corporation (ERC), a new remote data collection solution is available for the United States market using the FLOWSIC500 ultrasonic gas flow meter. This new device allows for remote access to meter integrity data and gas flow information.

ERC is an independently owned, automation and telemetry solutions provider, focused on industrial and natural gas applications. This new partnership pairs the revolutionary FLOWSIC500 with ERC’s 9040500USM cellular monitoring device. The ERC 9040500USM seamlessly integrates with any SCADA system or third-party polling engine to access flow information and meter health data of SICK's FLOWSIC500 using standard LTE Cellular based communication protocols.

With this partnership, SICK can provide the latest technology with a high degree of measurement accuracy. The FLOWSIC500 ultrasonic compact gas meter enables extremely accurate natural gas distribution measurement. Thanks to its lack of mechanical moving parts, the FLOWSIC500 is rugged, reliable, and maintenance-free – allowing for a significant reduction in operating costs. It is overload-proof, accurate and is monitored by an intelligent diagnostics system.

The FLOWSIC500 can easily be integrated into existing measuring stations. It operates either in a self-sufficient energy configuration or in failsafe network operation with battery back-up. It complies with all pertinent standards and directives. When used in custody transfer stations and measuring stations, the FLOWSIC500 provides the security of a continuous and blockage-free gas supply.

The implementation of a remote monitoring device with the FLOWSIC allows users to remotely access data from the gas meter via cellular modem. This enables users to continuously maintain a high degree of measurement accuracy, monitor needs for maintenance, and continue to operate at a high level of efficiency.

Product Specifications:

  •        LTE Communications via AT&T or Verizon
  •        Ultra-low power consumption: Input Power = 5-30VDC
  •        MODBUS and RS-485 compatible
  •        MiMo Puck Antenna for tamper resistance
  •        Polycarbonate 8” x 6” Enclosure -pole or wall mount
About SICK

SICK is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of sensors, safety systems, machine vision, encoders and automatic identification products for industrial applications. With more than 1000 patents, SICK continues to lead the industry in new product innovations. The diversity of its product line allows SICK to offer solutions at every phase of production in the logistics, automotive, packaging, electronics, food and beverage, and material handling markets. SICK AG was founded in 1946 and has operations or representation in 65 countries worldwide.


Mandee Nguyen
SICK, Inc.
6900 W 110th St
Minneapolis, MN
55438 USA
Phone: 800.325.7425
Fax: 952.941.9287

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