Intelligent Inspection SensorApp: Makes Deep Learning accessible
Intelligent Inspection SensorApp: Makes Deep Learning accessible
Intelligent Inspection SensorApp: Makes Deep Learning accessible
Mar 21, 2022
GO BEYOND. Discovery #19
Realize the full potential of intelligent sensors: Applications for which it was previously very difficult to achieve consistently robust and repeatable quality inspections can now be solved with high reliability and availability using the Intelligent Inspection SensorApp. This makes even complex machine vision tasks practical and affordable. By combining traditional machine vision for quality inspection with powerful advanced deep learning, Intelligent Inspection opens up new opportunities for users to automate demanding inspection tasks that were previously not possible. And it does so at a low cost of total ownership, since the deep learning network runs directly on the camera without any additional hardware.
Application example in the video: Automated program-switching in the cleaning machine
Bottle-washer machines in the beverage industry need to know if they clean new or returned glass. Selecting the appropriate program has previously been done manually to prevent potential downtime. Now, by using the InspectorP62x 2D vision camera combined with the Intelligent Inspection SensorApp, bottles are easily classified into new or used glass in the infeed zone of the cleaning machine.
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