New ways of working require new learning

Neue Arbeitsweisen erfordern neues Lernen
Neue Arbeitsweisen erfordern neues Lernen

Our working world is subject to constant change. Every day we encounter new challenges in terms of digitalization and Industry 4.0. We are also responding to these developments in our training methods and formats. 

In addition to the traditional on-campus classroom teaching formats, SICK also offers training as complete self-learning courses in the form of web-based training. In addition, we have hybrid forms of training where some of the participants are on-site and others are at other locations. These hybrid forms of training are possible thanks to the equipment available on our campus and the education of our trainers. We adapt our training formats to the needs of the participants and to the respective topics. For this purpose, we have the appropriate subject matter experts in our academy team.

Kooperation mithilfe von Co-Creation
Kooperation mithilfe von Co-Creation

Collaboration through co-creation

We are well equipped for co-creation. A separate area with special furniture provides a space for the joint development of ideas, as well as their improvement and rapid implementation. All of this takes place in the inspiring environment of the campus. Here, teams of experts from a wide range of disciplines with different perspectives come together to solve the challenges of the future.

Quality as top priority

Technology training is only as good as the transferability of its contents to everyday work. For this purpose, we offer the opportunity to work on sensors, devices and systems on our campus. In combination with the required theory, this enables the necessary knowledge to be imparted within a short time. There is also the option for our trainers to come to you and provide training at your facility.

SICK invests in the further training of its own employees to ensure they are always up to date in a wide range of disciplines and can competently advise you as the customer. We would like to share this knowledge with you as well. Book one of our on-campus courses or use the space and equipment for your own events. For more information, please send us a Message.

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The learning offerings at a glance

To the training portfolio 



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